Tuesday, May 03, 2011

2011 Election Results to the Trapper Creek Community Council Board of Directors

May 02, 2011

The election committee consisting of Kay Faerber, Jane Shaw, Allan Ruhter and Jennie Earles met at 2pm at the Trapper Creek Library on April 28, 2011.

Absentee voters were verified and their ballots were added to the ballot box. There were 58 signatures on the sign in sheets and 6 absentee voters for a total of 64 votes. Kay, Jane and Allan were armed with pens and a blank ballot. Jennie read the names of those who received votes from each ballot and the others kept track. After all ballots were read, the votes tallied, and identical totals confirmed, it was determined that the following four received the most votes; Paula Glenka, Mike Miller, Paul Thomas and Rick Leo.

The results were then emailed to each current council member and the candidates.